Frankie Gavin and Catherine McHugh

In addition to leading the new De Dannan line-up, For a couple of years Frankie Gavin also played with Catherine McHugh, widely regarded as Ireland’s foremost piano accompanist who was featured on Frankie’s recent album Port Eireann. As a duo, they toured Ireland, Europe and the USA to promote this excellent 18-track recording of traditional music. Wherever they appeared, they were greeted with rapturous applause and standing ovations. Port Eireann is available  from the SHOP page on:

Two tracks from Port Eireann
The Broken Pledge / The Oak Tree
Fox in the Town / Paddy Fahys

Review of a concert Frankie and Catherine did in Armagh in March 2023.
The concert from Frankie Gavin in Armagh last night was seriously life-affirming. All present were blown away by the unfettered display of genius, fiddle-craft, knowledge of the music and deadly delivery from  Frankie backed by the equally all-in perceptive and empathetic accompaniment from Catherine McHugh who was doing an inside job of accompanying Frankie that was nothing if it wasn’t mind reading.
Whilst the fireworks were continually mind-blowing and entertaining, the music was intact in its true dignity and fresh originality, a feat that only a true genius on fire could deliver. The raw simplicity of the tunes from his early mentors were shared in the same time and space as was given to the tunes of virtuosic complexity. Hornpipes, barndances, slow airs, flings, complex harmonic variations, intricate bow work, were all in the tapestry of the great story than Frankie had to tell us. He brought a feast of music-lore and craic to us, like the great hero he is. (Paul Bradley)